Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes: per imparare le parti del corpo in inglese

Da quando mio figlio frequenta il corso Helen Doron, c’è una canzoncina che è entrata a far parte del nostro repertorio musicale. In effetti, è una di quelle melodie che ti entrano in testa e poi continui a canticchiarla. Vi ricordate La macchina del capo?

Ecco, si tratta dell’equivalente de La macchina del capo in inglese: il titolo della versione nella lingua di Sua Maestà è Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes e può diventare un ottimo spunto e un’ottima occasione per insegnare ai bimbi le parti del corpo, mentre cantano, si muovono e toccano la testa, le spalle, le ginocchia – ma anche gli occhi, le orecchie, la bocca e il naso.

Ecco il testo della canzone:

Well, you knock, knock, knock and I say, “Come in.”
You open the door and you take a big spin.
Slap your heels and you slap your knees.
Why don’t you do the Head and Shoulders with me.

Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
and eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes (2)

Neck, elbows, hips and feet, hips and feet
and thighs and rears and lips and teeth,
Neck, elbows, lips and teeth, lips and teeth.

Well, you knock, knock, knock and I say, “Come in.”
You open the door and you take a big spin.
Slap your heels and you slap your knees.
Why don’t you do the Neck and Elbows with me.

Neck, elbows, hips and feet, hips and feet
and thighs and rears and lips and teeth,
Neck, elbows, lips and teeth, lips and teeth.(2)

Well, you knock, knock, knock and I say, “Come in.”
You open the door and you take a big spin.
Slap your heels and you slap your knees.
Why don’t you do the Neck and Elbows with me.

Neck, elbows, hips and feet, hips and feet
and thighs and rears and lips and teeth,
Neck, elbows, lips and teeth, lips and teeth.

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Immagine: Helzpublishing