
La celebrazione della Pasqua tra piogge e boccioli ci ricorda che è iniziata la primavera. Ecco alcune poesie per invitare i bambini a osservare la natura in questa stagione.

La primavera e’ la stagione in cui la natura si risveglia e diventa facile trovare ogni giorno un’occasione nuova per stimolare la curiosità dei bambini per piante e fiori. In primavera cambi la luce, si allungano le giornate, i giardini prendono colore con l’arrivo delle fioriture. La poesia è uno dei modi che possiamo usare per invitare i bambini a osservare meglio la primavera. Abbiamo cercato tre poesie in inglese dedicate alla primavera.



Springtime is garden time,
Garden time, garden time,
Get your spades and come outdoors,
Springtime is here!

Springtime is planting time,
Planting time, planting time,
Get your seeds and come outdoors,
Springtime is here!

Springtime is jumping time,
Jumping time, jumping time,
Get your ropes and come outdoors,
Springtime is here!

Springtime is singing time,
Singing time, singing time,
Children sing a happy song,
Springtime is here!


My Spring Garden

Here is my little garden,
Some seeds I’m
Going to sow.

Here is my rake
To rake the ground,
Here is my handy hoe.

Here is the big
Round yellow sun,
The sun warms everything.
Here are the rain clouds
In the sky,
The birds will start to sing.

Little plants will
Wake up soon,
And lift their sleepy heads.
Little plants will
Grow and grow
From their warm earth beds.



Spring makes the world a happy place
You see a smile on every face.
Flowers come out and birds arrive,
Oh, isn’t it grand to be alive?